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The Gospel for Cheap Grace

Living in societies were Jesus is a house hold name and the predominate religion is 'Christianity' there will always be people who identify with being 'Christian' without actually being saved.  Presenting the Gospel for persons who continue to live sinful lives and have no desire to resist it and may also enjoy it are in dire need.

Typically they will say they believe this:
  1. Jesus died for their sin
  2. They often do things that they know they shouldn't
  3. Their sins are forgiven.
But they fail to recognize their fundamental problems:
  1. Are not genuinely repentant
  2. Do not desire holiness
  3. Justify their sinfulness
  4. Habitually Sinful
  5. See sin as a act and not of the heart
As you talk to them you want to ask them questions about what exactly does Christianity mean to them.  Ask questions like "Do you think you are living a life that reflects God? If not, why not?", "How do you feel about your sinfulness? Do you hate it, try and avoid it, or just ignore it?", "Is Jesus strong enough to keep you from habitually sinning?", "What does it mean being free from sin?", "Can a servant of God be a servant if they do not serve him?", "What does it mean to repent of sin?".  There are hundreds of deeper questions you can ask to get a better understanding of what that person believes.

You can then transition from learning more about their belief to what you and them have in common; being sinners.

The Gospel Presentation:

Compare Yourself To God:

I'm a sinner too.  He is Perfectly Holy and there is no way I can compare to Him.  No matter how hard I try I fall short.  When I see my hopelessness I could have gone in one of two directions.  I could have given up and been handed over to my sin and live in my sins; or I could beg God to take away my sin.  I know standing before Him I am a unholy unrighteous wicked sinner that can not save myself.  But I also know He is All powerful, All mightily God that Loves me.

Explain The Reason For The Law:

With his moral law written on my heart and in the bible, I know without a doubt I have a sinful nature in me that I can't get rid of.  When I'm tempted, it compels me to fall into sin over and over again.  But the fact that God has shown me how sinful I am only proves to me I need Him to do something about it because me and all the other sinful people in this world can't.  That was his point.  The 10 Commandments only show us who we really are, they don't justify us or save us.  They point us to his solution. 

Explain The Slavery Of Sin:

My sin enslaves me.  The price of sin is spiritual death.  The debt of sin is slavery to it.  A price to great for me to ever pay and a debt too great for me to ever pay off.  Because of slavery to sin I sin all the time.  Sometimes I would enjoy it.  Sin reigned over me and I could do nothing about it.  Sin was normal in my life and I just accepted it.

Explain God's Solution To Sin: Introduce Jesus Christ

It took the act of God to solve my sinful problem.  Jesus Christ was born in the world for the purpose of solving my problem.  He lived the life that I could not live.  He was sinless and righteous.  He was cussed at, humiliated, spit on, beaten, scourged, and violently crucified for my sin.  A perfectly innocent person was murdered because of what I couldn't stop doing.  God had him sacrificed on The Cross instead of me.  I deserved to be there on that cross, not him. But even if it was me, I still could not full pay for the eternal offensive things I have done.  My death still isn't enough.  Jesus Christ being sinless and perfect was the only eternal sacrifice to fully pay for my eternal offence.  But not only did he pay for the price of my sin, He completely paid my debt to sin.  I was freed.  I was made free from my sinfulness.  I am no longer enslaved to sin because by debt is paid.  But that's not all.

Explain What Happens When We Truly Believe:

Not only did he pay the price of all my sin and free me from my slaver to sin; He rose from the dead just as he promised.  And because he was raised from the dead; so was I.  My sins were crucified with Him and I was raised with him. I am a new person.  I am not my old sinful self.  My sins are paid and forgiven from the moment I truly believed and for eternity.  This is the free gift of Grace that came at a price.  The price was my old life.  I was crucified with Him and my sins died with him but my new free self was brought to life through him. 

Explain What The Result of The New Life Is:

He has made me new simply by my genuine faith and trust in Him and what He as done.  The new me is empowered by God himself to recognize my sin, hate my sin, and fight my sin.  But also, when I sin, He compels me to repent and I am already forgiven.  I am empowered by Him to be obedient to Him and given the desire to seek him and serve him.  This new heart and new me is not of my doing but of a promised and actual result of saving faith in Jesus Christ.

Explain My Relationship With God in This Life:

Because of my true faith, The Holy Spirit continually empowers me to grow in faith and spiritual maturity.  Through me, the Holy Spirit empowers me to do things that God finds pleasing.  I am able to serve and Love the Lord more and more as I grow in faith because of the Holy Spirit.  I not only hate my sin but now I am empowered to resist sin.  Though I am not perfect and still a sinner, I am saved by Grace and forgiven so that I can glorify God more and more in this world.  The Holy Spirit leads me in holiness as I am covered by Christ's Righteousness.  My new heart seeks his glory and despises sin as I grow in Love and produce spirit fruit that the Lord finds good.

Reiterate Some 'Difficult' Points:

Again, it is not me that does good; it is the Holy Spirit through me.  It is not me that is righteous but it is Christ's Righteousness given to me.  I am a sinner but it is no longer my sin on my account but Christ become my sin on the cross and killed it; paid it in full.  It is only my genuine faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ that makes all this possible in my life.  Now I am a reflection of God's Son more and more everyday because that's what he promised for all those who truly believe.

Relate it To Their Belief System:

So am I a sinner? Yes.  But am I a slave to sin? No.  Genuine faith in Christ frees me from slavery to sin.  I don't just say I have faith but my Faith has changed my heart and caused my life to change as a result.  I don't want to sin- so I seek God more and more.  I want to be holy and pleasing to him- so I God more and more.  My old me is dead and I am a new person in this world.  It is impossible to go back to my old sin enslaved self because it is dead and gone; crucified and wiped away.

The Call to Faith:

Do you want that life change?  Do you really want the freedom from all that sin?  Do you want a new heart that desires holiness and is empowered by God himself to do good and serve God?  God promises freedom.  He will take your sin and your old self and count them on the cross.  He will give you a new heart and His righteousness and empower you to live a life pleasing to him.  But you have to deny your own self, your sinful will, your sinful desires and hate your sin.  Run from your sin, repent, and He will forgive it all and make you new!  Do you want that today? Do you want to live free and forever, now?

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