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The Test of Visions and Dreams

There has been, and will be, people to claim they have had experiences, visions, and dreams from God.  How would you know if this is true or false?  This is why we are commanded to test everything with Holy Scripture (1 Thessalonians 5:21-22; Acts 17:11; 1 John 4:1).  These simple questions help reveal the truth in any of these type of claims:

  1. Testable and Willing:  Is the claim test-able and the person who makes the claim open to being tested?  If no, than the claim and/or the person making the claim is contrary to Holy Scripture.  God, Jesus, and The Apostles were testable and proven true.  The Apostles were supported by Holy Scripture and Paul sought the testing and validation of the The Apostles.  Thus testing with Holy Scripture is fundamental (1 Thessalonians 5:21-22; Acts 17:11; 1 John 4:1; Galatians 1:18-24).
  2. Extra Biblical:  Does the claim declare itself as the last, new, additional, and/or only truth; apart of Holy Scripture?  If yes, than they are attempting to dictate God's truths for themselves and are contradicting of Holy Scripture I.E God (Jude 3; John 20:31; Psalm 19:7–9; Galatians 1:8; 2 Peter 1:21; Colossians 2:8).
  3. Full Disclosure:  Are these claims revealing things greater, new, different, and without restraint, visions and truths not presented in Holy Scripture?  If yes, then they are claiming to disclose things that which God has commanded, through Paul, those who actually received visions to not utter, write, and to seal (2 Corinthians 12:4; Revelation 10:4; Daniel 8:26; 9:24; 12:4).
  4. Seeing God The Father and/or End Time:   Does the claim declare a time of the end or claim to have seen God himself?  If yes, it is contrary to the words of Jesus and contradict Holy Scripture (John 3:13; 1:18; Matthew. 24:35-37).
  5. Equal To Prophets and Apostles:  Does the claim place itself equal to the divine witness of The Son of God or the witness of The Apostles who were made eyewitnesses of the risen Christ?  If yes, than it is untestable and contrary to Holy Scripture.  It is also declaring for itself Prophetic and Apostolic Authority that which was only granted by God to whose who were lead by The Holy Spirit to write Holy Scripture (Jude 3; 2 Peter 1:16; 2 Timothy 3:16; Jude 1:3).
  6. Explicit Contradictions:  Do the claims contradict what is explicitly declared in Holy Scripture?  If yes, than it can not be true because God does not contradict himself.  Examples are the misunderstood 'pearly gates of heaven' which are actually of the new city in the new earth (Revelation 21:21). Or of making a 'final choice' which was actually already made (Ephesians 1:4).  Or the 'inherent goodness of man' which is explicitly false (Romans 3:10, 23). Also see #4.
  7. Brought Back to Life from Death:   Do they claim to have actually died and then raised from the dead?  Did they raise themselves from the dead or did someone with Prophetic or Apostolic Authority raise them?  Secondly, were they actually separated from the world in death?
    1. When looking at all the instances were someone was raised from the dead supernaturally, we see a common element.  A Prophet directly raised them (1 Kings 17:17–24; 2 Kings 4:18–37; 13:20–21), Jesus directly raised them (Luke 7:11–17; 8:52–56; John 11; Matthew 27:50–53), and after Jesus' own resurrection (Mark 16:1–8), an Apostle directly raised them (Acts 9:36–43; 20:7–12).  That's it.  All the raising from the dead came from direct contact with a Prophet, Jesus, or an Apostle.  Interestingly, the direct disciples of the Apostles were not raising people from the dead.  If those who make this claim were supposedly raised without a God Chosen ordained authority; they are not in line with what is found in Holy Scripture and making an unsupported claim.  If it was not a supernatural resurrection, than it was just a biological natural phenomena.  
    2. The next issues is clinical death verses actual bodily death.  If they persist and state that they did in fact absolutely die, they fail to grasp what actual death is and only understand death through a worldly clinical perspective.  Thus, they failed to understand death and did not actually experience the "severed silver cord" which is proof of the fallacy in their claim (Eccl. 12:5-7).  Some claim that Lazarus and Paul justify their claims.  First all, Lazarus made no claims of seeing heaven or hell.  He died before Jesus, and did not rise in a glorified body (John 11); yet Jesus was the first born of the dead (Rom. 8:29; Col. 1:18; Rev. 1:5) and raised in a glorified state.  Paul never stated he experienced absolute death either (2 Corinthians 12:2-5). Isaiah, David, Paul, and John did not die to experience their visions.  All those raised from a clinical death, were not raised in a glorified state.  The Glorified state is awarded once the silver cord is severed from the world and they are resurrected in their new glorified bodies because they no longer are attached to this world and their corrupted flesh.  If they are not in their glorified state, than they never lost their supernatural connection to their corrupted flesh.  Everyone who experienced a clinical death and was revived, must still face their absolute death and final supernatural separation from their flesh.  Though they claim to have died, they failed in understanding death; thus shown to be a false claim.
    3.  There were resurrections before Jesus' Resurrection (1 Kings 17:17–24; 2 Kings 4:18–37; 13:20–21; Luke 7:11–17; 8:52–56; John 11; Matthew 27:50–53) BUT Jesus was the FIRST born of the DEAD (Rom. 8:29; Col. 1:18; Rev. 1:5).  Thus, they were raised from a clinical death where no natural force could keep them from absolute death except a supernatural force acted.  Jesus was raised from absolute death.
    4. In light of #1, #2, #3 we see that Prophetic and Apostolic Authority which is given supernaturally raises people from a clinical death where no natural force could keep them from absolute death; the point of bodily death were something supernatural must occur or the silver cored will be severed. But no one has faced an absolute death because Jesus was the first born of the dead and no one is in their glorified bodies as described in Holy Scripture.
What Would An Authentic Vision From God Sound Like?
  • Someone who claims to have experienced an authentic vision from God would be more than willing to be put to the test and be validated by Holy Scripture.  
  • Their claim would be testable and able to be proven.  
  • Their claims would be in line with Holy Scripture and be supported by Holy Scripture.  
  • Their claims would not contradict itself or Holy Scripture and would not contain logical fallacies.  
  • Some portions of it may not be spoken of as commanded by God.  
  • They would not see God The Father and would not know a time of Armageddon.  
  • They would submit themselves and their vision to the authority of Holy Scripture.  
  • The vision would compel people to Glorify God and worship his Son Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.  
  • If the vision included future events, they would take place exactly as described.  
  • The vision would be detailed and not vague or generally applicable to any future event but to only one possible event; the event that which was seen.

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